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What is the difference between soft and hard water? 

Untreated water or “hard water” contains calcium and magnesium, which are referred to as “hardness minerals”.  While the extra minerals in hard water can be great for your drinking water, they can do some long-term damage to your household appliances and gunk up your pipes.  A water softening system replaces these hard minerals with softer ions like sodium or potassium. After this exchange takes place the product is referred to as “soft water”.

What are the benefits of softening my water?

Utilizing soft water in your home extends the life and efficiency of major appliances.  It lessens the strain on your pipes, decreases clogs, and unsightly mineral buildup on fixtures, glassware, porcelain and shower doors.  Hair, skin and fabrics washed with soft water feel softer.  Whites will come out of the laundry whiter and colors brighter.   Soaps and detergents are much more effective in soft water so you can use less.  

What is the difference between rock salt and solar salt?

Rock salt is mined from underground and contains more insoluble matter.  Over time this material can build up in your water softener tank and cause problems.  Solar Salt is harvested from salt water.  Being in liquid form, unwanted solids can be filtered out as the sun and wind provide natural evaporation.  This solar evaporation process produces purified salt containing far less insoluble impurities.

How much Solar Salt do I use?

This depends on your household’s water consumption, the hardness of the water and the make and model of the equipment.  The average water softener tank (10” X 44”) uses about 6-8 pounds of salt per regeneration. This totals about 45-60 pounds per month.  As a guideline, the average small household uses 1 bag per month.  Plan on 2-3 bags for larger households.

I added the Solar Salt to my reservoir but still have hard water?

This could be caused by several reasons.  Check water softener settings and recharging times.  Check for a salt bridge where salt hardens and creates an air pocket between the salt and the water in tank.  Check for salt mushing where salt creates a thick sludge at the bottom of your tank.  Check water level in tank.  Make sure your reservoir and resin bed are free from buildup.

Is soft water safe to drink?

Short answer yes, water coming from your water softener is safe to drink and meets health and safety regulations. It still contains all of the natural minerals we need, just void of its calcium and magnesium ions. An 8 oz glass of softened water generally contains less than 12.5 milligrams of sodium.  This falls under the FDA’s definition of very low sodium.  However, it is always best to consult your physician if you require a low sodium diet or are using soft water to prepare infant formulas.

Should I use salt crystals or pellets?

This again, depends on your needs and usage, as well as the type of water softener you have. Salt pellets can prevent bridging or mushing in your water softener because they are highly dissolvable in water. Pellets are recommended for all-in-one-softening units. 

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