CMA (Calcium Magnesium Acetate) is a manmade compound formulated to be a low corrosion deicer.
CMA has been proven to exhibit extremely low corrosion rates on metals generally found in bridges, roadways, parking garages and other concrete systems. It is most commonly described as being as corrosive as tap water. Switching to CMA on chloride-contaminated concrete structures will likely extend their useful life. CMA is non-corrosive towards steel reinforcement in concrete and can seize initial corrosion induced by prior use of rock salt deicer. Unlike chloride based deicers, CMA is safe to be used on new concrete.
Why CMA?
ULTRAVIOLET is always searching for innovative products and processes to protect the environment and support community infrastructure. To support this endeavor, we now offer a full line of CMA (Calcium Magnesium Acetate)products meeting the highest LEED standards in quality and sustainability.
LEED is a certification system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. The acronym stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, as the program assists building owners and operators to create and/or adopt environmentally responsible and resource-efficient activities or products.

How does it work?
CMA interferes with the ability of snow particles to adhere to each other or to the surface when mixed with snow. It will not create a flowing brine like salt and other chlorides but will keep snow lighter and much drier which improves traction. When applied early in the storm, it will prevent formation of snowpack and the bonding of the ice to the pavement surface in order for snow and ice to be easily removed.
CMA (Calcium Magnesium Acetate) is a proven low corrosion deicer..
CMA exhibits extremely low corrosion rates on metals generally found in bridges, roadways, parking garages and other concrete systems. It is most commonly described as being “as corrosive as tap water”.
​Switching to CMA on chloride-contaminated concrete structures will likely extend their useful life. CMA is non-corrosive towards steel reinforcement in concrete and can seize initial corrosion induced by prior use of chloride-based deicer.